GO Survival Fishing Kit. Complete, Tiny, And Light Weight!


Growing up in the outdoors hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, backpacking, and mountain biking. I have  always tried to be prepared for anything. This being said I have always carried a survival kit on me when outdoors. I ran into an issue with this when I became an outdoor photographer. Toting tons of gear out into the wilderness makes one evaluate how and what they pack. So I stopped carrying my PSK (personal survival kit) to conserve space and weight. 

Bad Idea! After one near death experience I quickly came to my senses.  

It is dangerous and irresponsible to myself and my family for me to go off unprepared. So I set out on a mission to find a kit that was Complete, Tiny, and Light! Everything I found did not meet all three of those requirements, so I decided that I would put a kit together myself.  

After a year of searching for the right parts and pieces, and Researching what works in the real world and what doesn't. I came up with Three staples of survival.

GO Fishing Kit

GO Water Kit

GO Fire Kit

Each one is made with this thought in mind.

" Make it Complete, Tiny, and Lightweight and there will be no reason not to have it on you at all times" 

I have these kits in all of my vehicles, backpacks, camera gear, tackle boxes, ATVs, boats, and camping gear.  

The GO Fishing Kit


 This is the smallest most complete kit you will find. In this tiny pod measuring 1 inch across and 7/8 of an inch tall, you will find everything you will need to make two cane poles. 30 feet of 15lb test line, 2 size 6 hooks, 2 reusable split shot weights, two screw in eyelets, 1 snap swivel, 1 float, and even 2 soft plastic maggots stored in a fish attractant for bait! 

Simply add a branch from any tree and you will be able to fish any body of water you can find. The addition of the eyelet to the kit will allow you to more than double your casting distance to get your bait out to deeper water where it will be more effective. 



Check out this video to see how the GO Fishing Kit works. 
